Tools & Resources

Tools and resources to support ADT management

Tolmar offers healthcare providers and patients evidence-based tools and practical strategies to support their ADT journeys. Find the library of resources available below.

for healthcare providers

PC360 Healthcare Provider Comprehensive Care Roadmap

Download a detailed guide that can help physicians prepare to manage ADT through each step of treatment.

KOL Video Headline 1

Watch videos from our PC360 expert physicians.

KOL Video Headline 2

Watch videos from our PC360 expert physicians.

ADT Initiation Letter

Download a letter to share with patients’ current providers detailing their ADT plan.

for patients

PC360 Patient Comprehensive Care Roadmap

Download a helpful guide that can help prepare patients for ADT and walk them through what to expect during treatment.


Learn how to make positive lifestyle changes during ADT with IncreMENtal, the only habit-building program with self-guided learning courses that patients can complete at their own pace.
ADT, androgen deprivation therapy; PC360, Prostate Cancer 360.

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