Psychological Health

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Comprehensive care for psychological health

Why is psychological health important in ADT management?1

ADT, as well as a prostate cancer diagnosis and progression, can negatively impact mental health, potentially causing depression to develop or worsen.

25-50% of patients on ADT experience cognitive changes

Recommendations for healthcare providers managing psychological health during ADT2

  1. Provide counseling to assess the patient’s neuropsychiatric health
  • Explain the risk of increased depression and anxiety
  • Review potential changes in cognitive function
  • Discuss importance of talking with primary care providers about changes in Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9), emotional well-being, and cognitive function
  1. Conduct mental health screening
  • Consider adding a brief written or verbal depression screen such as Patient Health Questionnaire 2 (PHQ-2) to standard intake questions
  • Recommend patient self-assessment with PHQ-9 or another validated tool
Identifying and managing any changes in psychological health can ensure patients maintain mental stability during ADT

ADT, androgen deprivation therapy.

View recommendations for lifestyle management​

References: 1. Kokorovic A, So AI, Serag H, et al. Canadian Urological Association guideline on androgen deprivation therapy: adverse events and management strategies. Can Urol Assoc J. 2021;15(6):E307-E322. 2. Crawford ED, Garnick MB, Eckel RH, et al. A proposal for the comprehensive care of men on androgen deprivation therapy: recommendations from the Multidisciplinary Prostate Cancer 360 Working Group. Urol Pract. 2024;11(1):18-29.

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